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Natalie Carey’s Therapeutic Horse Riding provides children and adults with special needs and their families with an inclusive space where everyone is given the chance to thrive, and where families are given enhanced well-being, a new lease of life and hope for the future.  In September 2021, we took our 3-year-old son who has autism to Natalie for therapeutic horse riding.  Whilst on the horse, Natalie takes the child through a range of gentle tasks for the child to complete through movement.  From the first session, we could see significant improvements in regulation, sleep and the development of social skills in our son.  There is an amazing connection between the horse, the gentle movement of the child on the horse and the child’s ability to connect with the horse.  When a child or an adult with special needs is on the horse, something magical happens in relation to communication between the child or adult and the horse.  Natalie’s generosity of spirit, energy and professionalism is evident in all aspects of her work.  The interventions that Natalie provides through equine therapy provide children and adults with special needs with the tools to negotiate their way successfully through life and to achieve the very best of their potential.  For that, we will be forever grateful to Natalie and her colleagues.


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